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Gary Mayes
3 min read
Finding Your Writing Process
If you are a leader, you are in the communication business. That means, you need a process for putting thoughts into writing. Here's mine.
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Gary Mayes
Aug 14, 2020
Avoiding Mission Drift
Mission drift is a real thing and it doesn’t just happen to others. None of us have immunity. However, one consistent practice can help...

Gary Mayes
Aug 5, 2020
Great Teams Choose Tension
Great leaders and great teams learn to embrace creative tension and reject the simplistic solutions of “either/or thinking.” One constant...

Gary Mayes
Jul 18, 2020
The Church has Left the Building — 5 Leadership Responses
I remember a profound moment with my daughter ten or fifteen years ago. We were engaged in one of our “deep thought hour” conversations...

Gary Mayes
Jun 13, 2020
Just Courage
Here is one choice our heavenly Father wants us to understand as Christians. Do we want to be brave or safe? (p.113) The daily protests,...

Gary Mayes
Jun 2, 2020
Law of the Pencil and Stone
How in the world can you make plans, set strategies, or establish vision when the world around you changes every time you look at it? How...

Gary Mayes
Jul 13, 2017
People Need A Compelling Reason
Leaders crave a way to increase the horsepower of their organization. And, by horsepower, what I really mean is manpower. It shows up in...
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